My stack

Profissional Experiences

Select an technologie

Tech Libraries

ReduxJestContext APIAxiosStorybookGit Flow04080150
  • React Librarie Experience

Styles Libraries

SCSSMaterial UIChacka UIANT DesingStyled-Comp.Tailwind04080150
  • React Styles Experience

About me

me picture

I have experience in web development, operating both in the planning, development and deployment of applications. I use some of the best practices, such as Design Patterns, Architectural patterns, Clean Code, SOLID, etc... I've been a developer since 2017 and I've been working with web in agile teams using SCRUM and KAMBAM for over 3 years.I am easy to communicate with and very excited about new projects and technologies.

Formations and courses

IFSC Florianópolis

*Typescript Training: Typescript Part I, II and III.

     JavaScript: programming Object Orientation.

     JavaScript: interfaces and Inheritance in Orientation Objects.

     React: testing your components.
     React: global State Management with Redux.

*NestJS: creating a Rest API with TypeScript.

*Design System: creating components and documenting.

*Design System: designing elements.

*HTTP: Understanding the web under the hood.